Capital City : Dhaka (Area 815.85 sq. K.M Population 10.0 million)
Geographical Location : Between 20 degree 24’ and 26 degree38’ North Latitude and between88degree01’ and 92degee 41’ east latitude. A country of south Asia it Ilocated between India and Myanmar. It is boarded by India on the west and the north, India and Myanmar on the east and the Bay of Bengal on the south.
General Information : Area – 1,47,570 sq .km, Territorial water 12 nautical miles.
Religion : Islam 87%, Hinduism 12%, Buddhism 0.6%, Christianity 0.3%
Major Cities : Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Rajshahi, Mymenshing, Comilla, Barishal &  Sylhet.
Unit of Currency : Taka BDT (100 Paisa)
Standard time : GMT +6.00 Hours
Administrative units : Division = 6, Districts = 64, police station = 487, union = 4472, village = 85650.
Climate : Average winter temp (max 290C min 110C) Average summer temp (max400C min 210C)
Monsoon Rainfall : Lowest 160 cm. Highest 4000 cm
Humidity : Highest 99% Lowest 36%
Main season : Winter (Nov-Feb) Summer (May-June) Rainy Monsoon (Jul-Oct)
Population : Aprox. 120M. Groth rate 2.17% per anum. Sex ratio males per 100 families. Literacy rate (Population aged 15 and above) 353%. Civilian labor force (1991) 48.9% Urban population (1991) 20.15% no of household units (1991) 19.40 million.: Destiny per square mile 1866 (1991)
Language : Bengali (National Language) English (Commercial Language)
Principal Rivers : Padma, Meghna, Jamuna, Brahmaputra, Teesta, Surma and Karnafuli,In All 230 Rivers including tributaries and branches.
Principal Minerals : Natural gas, Lignite Coal, Limestone’s Ceramic, Clay & Glass
Principal Crops : Rice, Jute Tobacco, Sugarcane, Pulses, Oilseeds, Spices, Potatoes, Vegetables, Bananas, Mangoes, Coconuts, Tea and Wheat.
Principal Industries : Garments, Jute, Cotton, Textile, Tea, Newsprint, Cement, Fertilizer, Sugar, Engineering Electric Cables, Leather, Fish.
Principal Export : Ready Made Garments, Raw Jute and Jute products, Leather, Tea, Frozen Fish, Dry Food, and Handicrafts etc.
Airport : Dhaka, Chittagong, Jessore, Rajshahi, Iswardi, Sylhet, Coxbazar, Syedpur, Barishal .
Radio Station : Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Comilla, Khulna, Thakurgoan And Rangpur.
Television Station : Dhaka, Chittagong, & Natore.
Satellite Station : Betbuniia (Chittagong) and Talibabad (Dhaka) for international telecommunication.
Education : Universities 17,Medical Collage 15, Bangladesh Institute of Technology.
Electricity : 220 volts ac in all city towns.
Tourist season : October to March
Main tourist Attractions : Colorful tribal life of hill tracts, world longest sea beach at Cox’s Bazar, countries old historical sites at Dhaka, Paharpur, Mainamati, Mohastangar. And Sundarban the home of the royal bengal tiger, largest tea garden, riverline life, etc.
Wearing Apparel : Tropical in Summer and light woolen in Winter.

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